
  • Ana Paula Giannini 3612
  • Adrian Enrique Andriulo
  • Nicolas Wyngaard
  • Alicia Beatriz Irizar


organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, extractable phosphorus, soil


Phosphorus (P) is one of the nutrients that most limits agricultural production. Worldwide, the Pampas region has the highest edaphic P deficits. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out studies at different spatial-temporal scales to survey the most affected P forms. The objectives of the present work were: a) to evaluate different P forms before the agriculture introduction and the long-term changes in a typical Argiudol Pergamino series under two controlled situations with 35 and 105 years of continuous agriculture and, b) to evaluate long-term changes of these P forms in the same soil series under the agriculture performed at regional level. The P reserves of the A horizon decreased 20 and 42% (PT), 20 and 58% (Pi) and 20% (Po) with 35 and 105 years of continuous agriculture, respectively, in relation to the reserves of PT, Pi and Po prior to the introduction of agriculture. For its part, agriculture practiced at regional scale decreased by 29% (PT), 33% (Pi) and 20% (Po). Organic P forms decreased in the first decades without subsequently contributing to crop nutrition. The PT reserve continued to decrease at inorganic fraction expense, visualized in the abrupt drop in Pe (92%), which was below the range of typical values ​​reported for the rolling pampas sub region. The prevailing cropping system threatens the nutritional status of soils and the productivity of agroecosystems.


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How to Cite

Giannini, A. P., Andriulo, A. E., Wyngaard, N., & Irizar, A. B. (2022). PHOSPHORUS SPECIATION UNDER DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT. Ciencia Del Suelo, 40(2). Retrieved from



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